Help us Build A New Masjid

We can’t do it without you.

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Whoever builds a mosque for Allah, Allah will build for him a house like it in Paradise.

-The Messenger of Allah, peace, and blessings be upon him, as reported by Uthman ibn Affan, may Allah be pleased with him.

Masjid Muhammad Community Project 2022 - 2032

Annual Operating Cost: $80,000 - $100,000 

10-Year Total Operating Coast: $800,000 - $1 M

Program Fundraising Cost: $1.3 M

10-Year Total Fundraising Goal: $3 M

Amount Fundraised: $30,000

Top Projects

  • Full-Time Imam

  • Education Project - Full-Time K- 12 School/ Full-Time Teacher - Student Scholarship

  • Wellness Program Project (Sick and Shut-in Support)

  • Community Unemployment Support

  • Job Generation/ Work Force Project

  • Interest-Free Loan Program

  • Elder Income Supplemental Program

  • Hajj Scholarship Program

  • Garden/ Beautification Project 

  • Media Project

  • Elders/ History Archival Project 

  • Student Outreach Program - City-Wide MSA through IMMC and the Beloved Community Project

  • Jummah Ride Share Program 

Masjid Muhammad Islamic Complex is currently engaged in a significant endeavor - the fundraising campaign for our 10-year inside-out rebuild. By developing sustaining educational and community infrastructure-building programming, we are paving the way towards constructing a new Masjid by 2032. This vision was set in motion by the Majilis-e-Shura passing the 10-year inside-out rebuild resolution in 2022. This ten-year undertaking aims to revamp our Masjid to cater better to our expanding community internally so that we may do more Fisibillah externally.

As we forge ahead with this ambitious mission, we acknowledge the importance of having a capable team leading our efforts toward rebuilding. Our ongoing fundraising will secure the required resources to employ essential personnel who will be instrumental in structuring our operational strategies, bolstering our community's overall advancement, and maintaining our facilities in the interim.

Furthermore, in resuming activities and striving to overcome the disruptions caused by the COVID-19 pandemic and social distancing, we are emphasizing maintaining our facilities in recognition of families' critical need to be a part of a larger community.

Sustaining a warm and secure environment for all our members is vital. 

Our goal is to establish a space that adheres to our faith's elevated standards and mirrors our congregation's splendor and the significance we bring to the broader community.

Through deliberate programs designed to fortify, educate, and nurture our community, we will establish the foundation for a Masjid that will transcend our worship to become a symbol of solidarity, benevolence, and dedication to service "for the betterment of humanity." 

About Masjid Muhammad 

Masjid Muhammad Jackson Islamic Complex is a vibrant and inclusive spiritual hub in the heart of Jackson, Mississippi. It stands as a beacon of faith, unity, and community. 

Established in 1975, this complex has a rich history of serving as a beloved gathering place for Muslims from diverse backgrounds.

Masjid Muhammad's rich history dates back to its inception in 1968 as Mosque #78, under the Nation of Islam's (NOI) teachings. Following the passing of the NOI leader, the Honorable Elijah Muhammad, in 1975, Masjid Muhammad and approximately half a million African American Muslims underwent a significant transformation to embrace the universally recognized practices of Al-Islam. Mosque #78 was the last mosque incorporated under the NOI. Guided by the esteemed leadership of Imam Warith Deen Muhammad, the national organization underwent a name change to the Community of Al-Islam in the West. 

This pivotal moment also saw the transition of local temples into Masjids, symbolizing a shift towards adhering to the teachings of the Qur'an and the conduct of the Sunnah—traditions and exemplary model—of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). This significant shift marked a new chapter for Masjid Muhammad, as it aligned itself with the broader Muslim community, embracing the universal principles and practices of Al-Islam while reflecting the excellence of our unique African American culture. 

This transformation laid the foundation for Masjid Muhammad to become a beacon of unity and spiritual growth for Muslims in Mississippi, the United States, and beyond.

The believers of Masjid Muhammad face challenges similar to those of other Masjids in the United States, such as a lack of youth among our regular members and an inability to provide sufficient mediating services to members and the surrounding community. Yet we face some unique challenges due to the demographics of the believers in regular attendance at Masjid Muhammad reflecting that of the City of Jackson, MS. 

This issue is compounded by being located in the deep South, given the current and historical racial climate in America. Mississippi's storied past of racial dynamics and currently hostile local politics on a city and state level have increased the hardships felt by the Believers of Jackson.

According to, Jackson has a Population of Approximately 149,761 people and is approximately 83% African American. 

Mississippi is a right-to-work State with few policies to protect against workplace discrimination and one of the lowest minimum wages in the country.

In 2021, the median household income was approximately 40k, 30k lower than the national average.  

According to, "Mississippi ranks last, or close to last, in almost every leading health outcome."

America's Health Rankings by The United Health Foundation ranked Mississippi #49 in 2022 on all measures, including... 

#49 in Poverty, Annual Economic Resources, Sexual Health, Mortality, and High Blood Pressure.

#48 in Drinking Water Violations, Economic Hardship Index, Less than High School Education, High School Completion, Clinical Care, Preventive Clinical Services, Flu Vaccinations, Preventable Hospitalizations, Fruit and Vegetable Consumptions, Physical Inactivity, Cardiovascular Disease, and Diabetes.

#50 in Firearm Deaths, Per Capita Income, Food Insecurity, Nutrition and Physical Activity, Chlamydia, Teen Births, Premature Death, and Low Birth Weight.

However, through facing some of these hardships right along with our Muslim and Non-Muslim family and friends in our larger Jackson Community, the believers of Masjid Muhammad have continued to fight "for the betterment of humanity." 

We were active in the victory to remove the symbol of racism and hate that was our state flag in 2020; delegations of members, including our Imam, went to protest in Washington DC and urge State officials to call for a Ceasefire on behalf of our brothers and sisters facing genocide in Palestine, we are involved in many Dawah efforts across the city and are currently engaged in the fight to expand Medicaid to the thousands of working poor in our State.  

Your involvement in this fundraising initiative is paramount as we rebuild from the inside out a Masjid that embodies the core values and aspirations we cherish. Together, we can fashion a lasting heritage that will enrich future generations.

Please give today.